The Sheriffs’ & Recorder’s Fund

Supporting London’s prison leavers since 1808

Lady Justice Statue at The Old Bailey
A man and a baby

Turning Lives Around

We believe that every person deserves a second chance and we are committed to the rehabilitation of prison leavers and the welfare of their families, to help them stop offending and start a new life.

Based at the Old Bailey, the Fund works closely with the Probation Service to ensure the grants reach those most in need.  Increasingly, we also collaborate with other charities to deliver education and training programmes in prison focused on rehabilitation.

The Fund provides grants to prison leavers to provide a range of holistic support including clothing, household goods and access to education and training. The grants are specific to the individual, helping them to overcome the challenges they face in reintegrating into society.

The Fund works closely with a range of partner organisations, including the Probation Service, charities and housing associations. This collaborative approach ensures that prison leavers receive the best possible support and that they continue to be helped over the long term.

By helping prison leavers to reintegrate into society, the Fund has a positive impact on society as a whole. It reduces reoffending rates, and helps to break the cycle of poverty and social exclusion that many prison leavers face.