Our People


  • Alderman & Sheriff Gregory Jones KC

  • Sheriff David Chalk

  • His Honour Judge Mark Lucraft KC, The Recorder of London, Vice-President

Honorary Life President

  • Mrs. Richard Saunders


  • The Rev Jonathan Aitken

  • Lady Brewer OBE

  • The Rt Rev & Rt Hon The Lord Chartres of Wilton GCVO, PC, FSA, FBS

  • Lady Keely-Davies

  • Baroness Helena Kennedy of The Shaws KC

  • Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers KG

  • Mr. Jon Snow


  • Mr. Jonathan Bewes

    Jonathan is a banker by background and has a number of Non-executive Board roles, across public, private, educational and other charitable sectors. He is a Non-Executive Director on the Court of the Bank of England, a Past Master of the Fan Makers Company and a Court member of the Chartered Accountants Company.

  • Mr. Alastair Collett, Honorary Solicitor

    Alastair is a partner in BDB Pitmans LLP, specialising in advising individuals, trustees and livery companies on Trust and charity law and on constitutional and governance issues. He is on the Court of the City of London Solicitors’ Company and is a Past Master of the Company.

  • Mr. William Makower

    William is a member of the Worshipful Company of Weavers and was Upper Bailiff between 2019-2021. He is currently Chair of the Charitable Grants committee which focuses on the rehabilitation of UK prisoners and the criminal justice sector. William is the founder Trustee of National Funding Scheme and a past Trustee of the Bishopsland Education Trust. He advises Government and international bodies on digital transformation through his company, Panlogic Ltd.

  • Lady Russell, Chair of Trustees

    Hilary was appointed Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Fund in 2022. She has considerable experience in the not-for-profit sector, including as a founder of the Blue Smile charity, a Trustee of Best Beginnings and working for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Hilary is a member of the Worshipful Company of Farmers and was Lady Mayoress of the City of London from 2019 – 2021.

  • Mr. Christopher Thomas, Honorary Treasurer

    Chris is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and worked for Grant Thornton for 12 years before moving into the international energy sector where he has held a variety of executive and main board roles in publicly quoted companies.


  • Ms. Trish Adams

    Trish is an Acting Senior Probation Officer in the London Probation Service. She is an invaluable conduit for the Fund to keep us informed of developments within the Probation Service and to promote awareness within the London Probation Service of the Fund’s activities.

  • Mr. David Barrett

    David is Renter Warden of the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and was Clerk to the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards. He was also the Secretary to the Fellowship of Clerks through which he developed many contacts and associations in the City of London. David runs the Box Office for the Fund’s events.

  • Mr. James Blosse-Lynch

    James is a Chartered Fellow of the Institute for Securities and Investment. He is an Investment Director for Rathbone Investment Management and is responsible for managing the Fund’s investment portfolio.

  • Mrs. Hannah Constantinidi

    Hannah is a counsellor, founder of City Consorts Society and a trustee of The William Brown Almshouses Charity.

  • Mrs. Kate Fenwick

    Kate is a Deputy Lieutenant of Kent, Chair of the Trustees of Rochester Cathedral Trust and a School Governor of St John’s School, Northwood. She is a member of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors.

  • Mrs. Penrose Halson

    Penrose is a former Trustee of the Fund and the writer of Turning Lives Around, the illustrated history of the Fund. Penrose is a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Turners, was on the committee of the Lady Masters Association and is a recipient of the City Livery Club’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

  • Mrs. Alex Hayward

    Alex is Clerk of the Worshipful Company of Actuaries and a member of the Worshipful Company of Glovers, the Worshipful Company of Feltmakers and the Worshipful Company of Nurses. Alex was Sheriff’s Consort in 2019-2021 and is a Trustee of St Bartholomew’s Nurses.

  • Mrs. Elspeth Hughes-Penney

    Elspeth is a former City corporate lawyer and a director of the London Centre for Spiritual Direction.  She is member of The Goldsmiths’ Company.

  • Mr. Glenn Hurstfield

    Glenn is a member of the Worshipful Company of Glaziers and the Worshipful Company of Painters of Glass. He is Consort to Alderman Alison Gowman and was Sheriff’s Consort in 2020-21. He is a retired solicitor and has been a trustee of a number of charitable trusts.

  • Mr. Gary Langley

    Sitting as a magistrate on the Adult Criminal Court at St Albans, Gary has over a decade of experience of the Criminal Justice System.  Gary is an accountant by profession and in recent years was a Consulting Partner with experience in Corporate Strategy, transformation and governance.  Today Gary acts as an advisor to a number of start up companies.

  • Mrs. Nikki Meinertzhagen

    Nikki was a magistrate until 2017, originally in the City of London and latterly in Hammersmith and Westminster. Nikki has been actively involved in a number of fundraising events for the Fund for over 20 years.

  • Mrs. Emma Redcliffe

    Emma has been a very active fundraiser for the Fund, particularly through the Inter Livery Cycle Challenge that raised unprecedented sums for the Fund. She is a member of the Worshipful Company of Fletchers and the Worshipful Company of Drapers and was Sheriff’s Consort in 2017-2018.

  • His Hon. Judge Peter Rook, KC

    Peter was a Senior Circuit Judge at the Old Bailey and a Judge at the Court of Appeal. He is also Vice Chair of the Parole Board and a former Chairman of the Criminal Bar Association. Peter is the director of the Trial & Error productions that have been hugely successful fundraisers for the Fund.

Old Bailey Office

  • Ms. Claire Ivey, Secretary

  • Mr. Paul Lecoutre, Administrator